Your Brain vs. My Tractorbeam
Just came back from the TTDI prom. Head hurts.
Food was good. The bands were great. Especially "One Buck Shot".
Well, i can't really say much today. Just decided I had to fill in something for my blog entry.
Tomorrow is the last day of my exams and thus begins my semester break! whoopi-dooo
I bleached my hair a few days back.... dying it red for my Reno cosplay and hopefully everything will turn out okay. I'll just post the pictures here. Yeah, I'm somewhat beng-ish....... heh.
I like surprising people and nothing confuses people more than a chinese looking dude with bright hair driving by them blasting music. Feng Tau (very cheesy techno that bengs listen to)? Nope, I blast independant hip-hop from my speakers and that just makes people wonder, "WTF?"