Friday, August 30, 2002

just realized that i released Filler Strip #3 everywhere............except here............doh! what a klutz!!!

here you go

Filler Three: Prelude To Battle

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

hmm, me blog's gone whacko.............dammit!!

ah well,

i'll just post the links for the pics then.....
Bandaged Man

Boobs and Guns, figure it out...

Love Hina-esque picture.

damn will find a way to fix it........later i guess

you know what, i just noticed a very very interesting thing,

about 90% of the time i post on this blog, i'm either sleepy, or just woke up from sleep. Amazing.

And i know most of you saw this coming, i just woke up from sleep.....

but, i have three ink's from Rei today, and i've got nothing better to do than to post them.

Oh yeah, to keep close to the blogness of this blog, today's events:-

1)Went to school, having about 40+ pages of a Biology report to finish. And i have to pass it up today
2)Did half of it, managed to convince my teacher to give me extra time to finish it, which means i have to pass it up tomorrow.
3)Upon hearing that, closed Bio report book and went to sleep in Maths class.
4)Came back, checked mail, advertised the webcomic, post in forums and me dreaded ADD MATHS tution....argh!!
5)Then, sleep............till now.
6) Writing blog, what will the future have in store for our sleepy hero?

EDIT: this might be many months late but i've finally figured out how to fix this hurray for me!

Sunday, August 25, 2002

i'm sleepy, tired and i've got to wake up at 6AM tomorrow........can't say much

but since it's monday.....i'll post up the new strip......was working on it up till now.


Episode Two: "Whenever You're Ready..."

me go sleep now......