Wednesday, February 02, 2005

What Would Jung Or Freud Say?

Hmm, ah yes, greetings to all, I haven't been blogging for quite some time.

Lots of things have happened but never got the chance to really blog. Until now, well, I'm 9 hours late on this but still, I just had to put in this entry. I give to you, one of the weirdest dreams I've had in a long time.

I'll start out with what I was doing before this, basically I was reading I''s and working on "Life" Chapter 2. I worked out a bit, took a shower, had a ciggie and went to bed. So it begins.

It all starts with me dropping over at my ex-girlfriend's house, I had in my hand a grey hoodie which I was supposed to return to her. She lets me in and starts walking to her bedroom, and I was just following her from behind. In the room, I felt that the layout of her house had changed a lot and looked a lot like mine but didn't bother to think about it. I passed her the hoodie and just crawled into her bed. Just like that. Don't know why I did it, but i just did and slept. She followed suit and we didn't do anything. Just sleep. Next thing you know, her mom knocks on the door and I jump out of bed, she opens the door and her mom sees me there, "Is that Amir in your bed?"

Even in my dreams I could feel my balls freeze. I get up and walk towards the mother explaining that the two of us broke up and I was just sleeping. I ended up telling her mom how we broke up, from A to Z. Her mom just looked at me with a very straight face and said, "It's raining heavily, I'll send you home."

Okay, this was getting very weird, but for some reason I just acted as if nothing was wrong. I get in her mom's car and the moment she pulls out of the garage, it hit me like a freight train. They had moved in to my neighbour's house! My mind's flipping out at this moment and it's raining heavily outside. Her mom drives away from my house and asks me where I stay. So I told her to go around the shoplots and when she realizes that she's made one round she asks me, "Why are we heading back to my house?"

"Well ma'am, you see that house beside yours? The one with two pine trees? That's my house. Welcome to Melawati." I replied to her while giving her the biggest shit-eating grin I had. My ex-girlfriend's mom started laughing and dropped me off. She even waved. So now I feel very weird and just decide to go in my house. Wait, it doesn't end there. For some reason, I ended up sneaking back into my ex-girlfriend's house and hanging out in her second sister's room. We were just chilling and playing games on a PS2 that was there for some reason. I hear the mom knocking on my ex-gf's room door and when she realizes that my ex-gf wasn't in her room, she starts to go on this crazy and psychotic swearing fit. It went something like, "Muthafucka chao hai chi bai ka ni ne ma hai!!! BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP!!!"

Her mom kept on repeating the same lines and there were censorship bleeps too. I freak out. She and her sister run out of the room to talk to the mom. Suddenly, I feel very detatched and open the window near me. It was still raining heavily. I jumped out of the window, which is about one storey high. Landed on my feet and just walked out of their house as if nothing was wrong. I was too relaxed and too cool about this. Walked into my house dripping wet, crawled into my bed and just covered my wet body with a blanket.

That's when I woke up, fresh but very very puzzled. Definately the weirdest dream I've had in ages.

What would Jung and Freud say about this?


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