Sunday, December 26, 2004

Gut Wrenching , Wonderwall Screaming, Big White Telephone.

I'm in day 3 of anti-vice Jace mode. As expected, the nicotine withdrawl has affected me greatly. It's lovely that I don't get the urge to grab a pack and smoke my sorrows away. I'm currently on a diet of paracetamol. Which isn't that great of an idea but it helps. It's my very own placebo pill.

However, I think downing two pills everytime I feel like a sack of Nazis or when my hands tremble and I break out in a cold sweat isn't good. It helps a bit but I think I'm beginning to feel the side-effects. I've been vomitting more regularly than ever. It's like my body is rejecting whatever I ingest. Which sucks, I feel hungry but I have no appetite. Sucks doesn't it.

Well, working out like a madman has helped too but that too has side effects, my joints hurt. Not too big of a problem but what pisses me off is that when they hurt too much I can't work out. That's why. Well, I'm more or less not too bummed out about being dumped by Lina for another guy. Sure it hurts, but hey, if I just have to be myself and wait patiently, I'll do just that because, this may sound pathetic or mushy but I never really cared what people would say, I still love her and I guess I most probably will until god knows when.

Heh, talk about not being able to let go. Hell, I'm even helping her out with her new love. Sometimes I wonder how my tolerance levels reach to such levels but they did and it does crack a bit when I'm feeling the withdrawl but if she's happy, I should be cool. Just cool. Superfly. Strawberries and Cream. Coke and Panadol.

Well, another day, another long post. It's been too long since my blog lacked some 'real' posts. Does that mean I've come a long way since I started this piece of internet I call home?

Peace out.


At December 27, 2004 at 7:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mir. come on, take care of urself, pls. taking pills instead of ciggies is not good. u'll probably end up a pill addict instead. find another alternative, that's good. if not there wont be any prezzies for ya:P take care ok? ciao,


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