Friday, December 24, 2004

Karma Police

"This is what you'll get when you mess with usssssssssssssssssss."
"Karma Police."


Hmmm, I'll blog up a full report on today's quote but for now..... I will go and try to enjoy myself at Bangsar.


Vidad decided to chill for awhile at my place, so i guess i'll take this oppurtunity to blog a bit.

Well, let's see. Karma sucks. Unevitable but in this scenario I hate it. I just broke up with Lina for the 2nd time and this time it was her who stopped loving me. Yeah, it's a twisted dagger to the heart but for now, I'm still in a semi-state of shock. I guess that's why I can still type coherently. I don't know when the love from her stopped but I honest to god did not see it coming at all. Yeah, I thought that after I got back together with her I would do everything in my damn power to keep the relationship stable and last for a long time. Alas, 'twas not gonna happen.

I'll be honest here, I did not take the news very good. Tears were shed, yes, I shed tears, some people might think I'm weak but love does that to people. I dearly love her. So i had no choice but to accept her decision and let her go. I was fighting a losing battle. Nothing could salvage our relationship. Karma has dealt a deadly blow to my love life.

Well, this is where I say my goodbyes to the relationship I once had. All of it. One year and Five months. Longest ever for a person like me. The bolt has be shut. The memories remembered and belongings returned. I would very much like to return to the good ol' days but that's just a child's way of thinking. So, I will do my best to get back to my usual cycle of life. She'll still be there to support me, just not be my lover anymore.

With that, I bid you all farewell for the day, Merry Christmas and remember kids, "What goes around, Comes around."


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