Jace Barret On Setsuna Kurosu
I'm not good at this but here it goes:-
Ah, Setsuna Kurosu. Boku No Koi-bito. ^^ I'll state the obvious facts just for the record. Set-chan is a 16 year old girl who is an uber-genki and kawaii chibi-chan XD Wears glasses (on and off, leave 'em on! It's for the good of your eyes! X3) Loves to make wallpapers, forum signatures and change her blog layout. She REALLY HATES Avril Lavigne (more than Smokers i'm guessing.) She's a natural Automobile magnet and accident-prone. I believe her list of injuries(physically and mentally) is a looooong and painful one ^^;; She 'claims' to be a Tony Hawk's Pro Skater pro-gamer... I shall soon find out if she can shatter my big ego (which i fear might happen soon...) A fan of Para Para Paradise and starting to learn the ropes of other dancing games. All in all, she's the most interesting and lovable woman i've met in my entire life.
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