Monday, August 11, 2003


G'morning fellow citizens.

Had another weird dream again....... but since i posted it on my AnimeOnline.Net Journal....... I'm too lazy to post it here. Wait...... i'll just Ctrl+C it.

Start Transmission

Dream-Quest : Episode 3 - Saddam Hussein gets shot, in Ireland!

yeah, more weird dreams for me today.... I shall state the genre before I rant about it. Well, it was somehow set during World War II and I had a few dancing game moments during my dream... ^^;;

It seems that the memory of the dream is slowly slipping away.... curses. Might as well try to type down every single detail I remember.

Rei and I were somehow part of a paratrooper group and were in the midst of a gunfight between some arabs in Iraq..... or what looked like Iraq, since it had my school in the background... ^^;;

We managed to clear the 'palace' grounds and suddenly our commander told us to go to Ireland.... >_<

Ended up fighting more arabs there... for some odd reason and Rei and I were the only two guys fighting against what seemed like an Uruk-Hai horde... next thing you know, Saddam Hussein comes barging in with an elephant and caught a bullet in the head. Everything else just stopped at that moment.

And we (including the arabs) started laughing our balls off at Saddam..... Then my alarm clock finally pulled me back to reality...

Amazing.... >_<

End Transmission

That's that. Well maybe getting too much sleep is a trigger for me. I'll test out this theory again.... mainly for the sleep not the dreams ^^


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