Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Big Black Box Of Evil!

Ah-ha, I finally get my ass of the PS2 and type a blog entry. It's a real amazing feat, really. Well, lots of things have happened in the span of one week.

  • Finally got my grubby little hands on a PS2 after 2 years of going console-less. Feels great to be gaming intensively again. The good thing is I save money by staying home and since I'm stuck at home most of the time, I've cut down my cigarrette quota from 6-8 a day to 2-4 a day, which, i think is a big change.
  • Recently got fined by the police for using my cellphone while i was driving. It was just a 2 minute talk about the weird sound my car was making at that time but alas, I was unlucky. I'll have to settle the fine after Raya when all the coppers are rich so i get a good discount.
  • Last and certainly not least, I finally broke up with Setsuna/Lina, a girl whom I've been in a relationship for the past one and a half years. She took it rather well in the beginning but nevertheless, all break-ups must have some wounds that have salt sprinkled upon them. I'll just take it as it comes i guess.
That's about it. I need to go grab some grub.


At November 3, 2004 at 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hah! wut did i say. i'm still amazed you lasted that long with lina. oh well. Anyway, ur bday's on the 19th of November right? Do u want me to get you anything? If i can get it neway. ciao!


At November 3, 2004 at 7:03 PM, Blogger Jace said...

heh, well shit happens. Yeah, 19th of November.... as for my b'day gift.... see if you can find some cool accessories/hoodies :P The hoodie part might be a wee bit expensive

At November 4, 2004 at 9:49 AM, Blogger Zhin said...

Hehehe... when I come back you're going to live in my house and you'll be smoking a pack a day and play lots of PS2... buaaaaahahahaaaahahaahahahha


At November 4, 2004 at 10:05 AM, Blogger Jace said...

hehehe, i can pretty much see that happening, you ebil-father. Switched from Dunhills to Marlboro Reds... Dunhills taste bad now.... i assume bad tobacco or just me getting sick of the same ol' shit.


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